Historical Targets of the Bad Guys
Present Day Targets of the Bad Guys
Western countries do have reliable clean water, abundant food, and nearly maximum modernity's which, in cumulation have risen their citizenry into the highest strata of the survival scale - Comfort, Entertainment and even Luxury for some.
However, when Comfort is combined with "take it all for granted" the citizens themselves becomes liabilities - because they forget. Citizens already abandon the other guy and allow the use and abuse of their brother and sister in foreign countries, "way over there somewhere". Add to it that they also walk by their suffering brother on their own city streets - likely by applying the "never looked - never saw it" mental loophole or by adopting an attitude about others - such as " it's their doing to be poor, uneducated, addicted or crazy".
However, when combined with Bad Guy Unlit, these comfortable, highly disassociated citizens actively Vote the smiling bad guys into power, who smartly campaigned by using the citizens own personal fixations to gain their support.
But who are the Historical Targets of these bad guys ?
Blacks - Gays - Jews - Women.
The most hated are the first set of targets. Blacks, Gays, Jews.
Women - are the most valuable target.
How is this pulled off ?
By using various One-Off Promotions in this over-the-top comfortable group of citizens called America.
Promotions such as Racism, Abortion, LG, BLM, Social Justice Warriors.
Using their own votes (Blacks, Gays, Jews, Women) to carry it all out.
Groups such as the "Kind" the "Caring" the "Citizen Feelers" who are swayed so easily by talk and saying the right thing that they forget to verify it all checks out. So they get bush-wacked and do the same to the other groups. By - Their - Own - Vote !
Blacks voting the bad men in - take out black cities.
Women voting the virtuous talking bad men in - who proceed to defund the police - which affects the most vulnerable in our society - Women (Mothers) and Children ! !
And these women voting to Defund the Police - harm the Blacks in Big Cities.
70% of Jews in America identify with and likely voted for the political enemy of Isreal in US elections - a Political Party who has let Iran off the leash financially and regarding building a nuclear bomb - so that they, Iran, can pursue their stated goal of eliminating Israel and its religion off the planet.
After October 7th, how any Jew isn't hitting the books hard to identify exactly who the Enemy Media and Enemy Government is - World Wide - AND working hard to handle this situation - would be rather astonishing. This Patriot Strategy must be the pieced (added to the Oct 7th Wake-up call already received) to perform Duty to Look, Duty to Act, Duty to Continue - 8 hours per week, per Israeli Citizen and every Jew in every country worldwide !
Wrap up Communication
As laid out here -
Women -
Blacks -
Jews -
Have been creating their own demise. And the demise of others in their group.
Blacks affecting Blacks with robotic Unlit voting
Women affecting all others in the country with their resistance to Look Voting.
Jews - by their high trend of Political Party voting.
Each of you better get this figured out and quickly.
To be more specific we are providing the Patriot Strategy for you to apply including PaulRevereRides2024org
The Strategy at PatriotsMustAct.org is the overall comprehensive strategy - including PaulRevereRides2024.org - which provide you the actions to take to get your fellow Blacks, Jews or Women contacted, enlightened and Referred so they can themselves Know who the Bad Guys are , the Duty to Look and the Duty of a Voter - before they place a vote for their own enemy and the enemy of all.
Patriots Must Act.org has a page for Blacks, Women and Jews - individually laid out points for you to apply for your particular group - as each group has slightly different approaches
For example - Jewish Rabbi's Contact part of the strategy would be a different communication than a person to person Jewish contact. With the Rabbi yuo are there to find out if he gets it or must be removed. Then go from there. If he gets it, then work out a plan to promote MustLook to his congregation each week or several times per week.
All Humans have a Duty to Look. So must study and compare.
All Humans have a Duty of a Voter - to be Literate before they vote.
All Humans have a Duty to Act - as a Team on an aligned Strategy.
Jews - it is a person to person Contact, Enlighten and Refer - Refer to What ? CitizensMustLook.org - Duty to Look. Plus Bad Guys and Conspiracy. Before they vote.
But - Jewish Synagogoes could have a slightly nuanced approach.
Blacks - heavily Democrat - its pretty straightline Contact and Refer
Woman -Same - Contact and Refer and get through to them - YOU - have a Duty to Look ! Did you know this ? Walk away and we will ask later if you voted for the enemy. You will be required to fix what you've voted in and allowed !
Whether its Biblically driven or just "in the water" - YOU are a Historical Target. We know that you already know this. At least you all should.
Now - what are you gonna do about it ? In Israel ? In America ? Around the world ?
Lets take a step back - in actuality - not all Jews get this point of being a Historical Target. Certainly not before Oct 7th 2023. Because Humans sink into a 'comfort coma' and stop Supporting and Defending or even looking. Same goes with Jews. How many do you know who performed duty from Sept 2, 1945 - Oct 7, 2023 - After World War II ended, until Oct 7th ? Anyone ? Yes there is forced military duty in Israel. This is good. But there are exemptions - which isn't good. Not if you want to survive.
* * * * * *
Awareness of life around humans is a sliding scale of perception and necessity - and too many humans on earth have slipped into a state of complacency (= No Necessity). Therefore their perceptions drop. Combined with Not-Looking and other life problems, people become highly unaware of their surroundings except their immediate environment (Car driving on road - get groceries - go home) * * * * * * * Philosophy * * * * *
Since 70% of Jews in America identify with and likely voted for the political enemy of Israel in US elections - a US Political Party who has recently let Iran off the leash financially and regarding building a nuclear bomb - so that they, Iran, can pursue their stated goal of eliminating Israel and its religion off the planet. - well this tells you that a lot of Jews are completely out of touch with the word. Not a good state to be in.
Other Jews are going to have to Be Paul Revere - and Contact and Enlighten them and Refer them to CitizensMustLook.org and WhoAreTheBadGuys.org and really push them to do their Duty to Look.
The other approach is to have Jewish Patriots act like the IDF with a clipboard- Israeli Defense Forces - list out all your Synagogues - go there in person, talk with and verify the Rabbi "get's it" - Israel- the US Political Party enemy of Iran, the US Media Enemy of Israel etc. Then get the Rabbi's agreement to pound this message during every worship session - that all Jews must Look, become Literate, before Voting in US Elections, and act - putting in 8 hours each week.
Any Rabbi who is resistive to this must be investigated and removed. He is either ignorant, or unintelligent or sold -out to the enemy or dirty (requires a personal confessional to unburden himself of what is creating the resistance.
After October 7th, how any Jew isn't hitting the books hard to identify exactly who the Enemy Media and Enemy Government is - World Wide - AND working hard - would be astonishing. This Patriot Strategy must be the pieced (added to the Oct 7th Wake-up call already received) to perform Duty to Look, Duty to Act, Duty to Continue - 8 hours per week, per Israeli Citizen and every Jew in every country worldwide !
Messages to Individual Groups - Women - Blacks - Jews
Many Women WON'T believe it when we warn you.
Women are Different from Blacks who are different from Jews - in their experiences and thus their reaction time.
Women in America and the West are likely the most rigid and resistant to look for fear of being wrong - that they fall easy prey to the bad guys - who act in such a way, and talk in such a way as middle class women with degrees - will buy their lies without verification.
That is how complacent the modern middle class woman has become.
That is how blind the middle class woman has become.
That is how dangerous a voter the middle class woman has become.
So comfortable. So safe in THEIR neighborhoods - that they aren't challenged to Look, have no necessity to look, and since the strongest Human Mind Disease is "Must Be Right" "Can't Be Wrong" - they will not look until they are hammered by what they vote in. That is the unfortunate situation for women.
You must step out of your "Must Be Right" Can't be Wrong" "I'm Kind - I'm caring" mindset and just frackin LOOOOOOOOKKKKKKK ! Until you see.
Or you are a Liability to yourself. Your children. Your friends Children and so on.
A Liability to the Country with your unlit vote.
Just drive around your town, go to a school meeting yourself with a list of questons about police, the military, the border, the constitution, American Government, History of World Takeovers, # humans without clean drinking water - and see how many of your woman friends are LITERATE. Do this even as you are Unlit. Just list the questions, and see who hem's and haws -and who can disertate intelligently and fluidly. Then yu will know how Unlit you are, and how unlit other Voters in your group are - yet you still VOTE ! Unlit !
Things in America and the West have become so comfortable that many Women have not sensed True Danger in their lives. You have long forgotten that you are a target. Dozens of centuries of sex slavery and oppression. A very valuable target. Sex addiction is Ranked #1 in the World. Above heroin as it is more available. And men and bad men see you as that target to control, and thus have On-Demand. While you have been fooled into the Abortion on Demand game, its a bait and switch. Get in the Know at www.WhoAreTheBadGuys.org.
Viewpoint - why is American Abortion so important - with the Middle East, the Far East - still heavily oppressing womens rights and freedom.
With Global 27.6 Million in present day. 1 Million new Women and Children trafficked each year.
Why is your abortion rights so important with all this going on to OTHER PEOPLE ! ? Far worse stuff than you experience in America. You have lost your way. GET IT BACK - study, viewpoint, confessional,
- more blacks are just now pulling into the higher strata of the Survival Scale - Comfort, Luxury - which is very good (to a degree - remember Complacency is your enemy). The idea of slavery and memory of the tough but very successful Martin Luther King led Human Rights ERA in the 60's are a recent reminder understandibly. You cannot rest on your laurels. The Bad guys did not go away.
Your Responsibility - as a Vulnerable Citizen or Historical Target
To Perform Duty #1 - the Duty to Look, before you perform Duty #2, the Duty of a Voter -and cast your ballot. Then Duty #3 - Duty to Act
Politicians are in control of making Policy.
Policy runs all - water, electrical, power, heating, cooling, roads, inflation, energy, police, safety, defense.
Bad men go for positions as Politicians specifically to have this control arm called Policy to put in place destructive policy. Oft times with stealth and spin and virtue.
If you are in the Historical Groups - you must become Bad Guy Literate by studying well at www.CitizensMustLook.org and www.WhoAreTheBadGuys.org.
Your very future depends on it !
Study well ! And Study until you SEE IT - SEE THEM !