Table of Contents V - Government - Pushing An 'Add Addiction' Culture
Give the People What They Want !
Addictions of Humans # 1 and # 2
Relationship - Government to the Citizens / Parents to their Children
Two Party Problem - American Danger
Creating a Third Category of Citizens - with Part A, Part B, Part C, keeps going . . . . . . !
The Enemy Strategy
What has the Government done to Flood the Country with Sex, Drugs and Crime ?
Flooding Country with Drugs
Flooding Country with Crime
Flooding Country with Sex
Olive Branch to Abortion Supporters
Give The People What They Want ! = more Rights, zero Duty
Try this Drill
Pick the Priority Sector for America - Which you will Vote On- Which will be your future !
False Priorities / True Priorities
Summary - Bad Guy Strategy
Table of Contents VI
Up there . . . . . . Up Above
That's the Enemy Strategy - Are you Working for Them ?
- Are you going to Continue to Work for The Enemy ?
- Choose Your Group - Bad Guys or Good Guys
Citizens Allow Chaos - Citizens Become Chaos
Citizens - Do you have Discipline ? Self Awareness ? Bravery ?
Voters Lack Discipline, Balance - Perspective
Earn Back your Stripes - Voters, Citizens
Parents, Government, Citizens - How it Should be Done
Governments Purpose and Your 'Pursuit'
The Priority Game Now however is DUTY. Defend America !
Section V
Government - Flooding the Culture with Sex, Drugs (and Crime)
Give the People What They Want !
The Duty of the Government is NOT to give the majority what they want. "Give the people what they want" If that was the case and the people demanded free daily heroin, would that be a good solution ?
Here is a further example:
How about going from a society with only alcohol as a problem (up until 1960's) to a culture flooded with Millions of inorganic Pharmaceutical Drugs to a) treat organic body problems, and b) to suppress undefined mental problems explained as chemical imbalances. Not solving in either situation, but to mask the problem. Create chaos. And make $ Billions to boot.
Alcohol can cause some aggressive behavior, yes, but nothing in comparison to what prescription, online and street meds do. This industry is OUT OF CONTROL and destroying the U.S.A and the World. These drugs and meds are Millions of times more trouble than alcohol. Wild unpredictable behavior - plus you can mix and match as has been a recent trend at parties. Pour them in a bowl and play Russian roulette with pills. SMAAAAART !
These Prescription Drugs have not been created by good people for sane, moderate reasons, and have not been well controlled.
Legalize Marijuana on top of the 50 year prescription boom. Kudos.
Then Legalize Gambling. Brilliant.
See where we are going with this ?
Give the People What they Want ? ? ?
How about -
"Give the People some Discipline !"
"Give the People some Ethics !"
"Demand the People Straighten-out !"
"Demand the People do an Electronic and a Drug cleansing !"
"Demand the People put down their Phones and LOOK !"
Oh yeah . . . And because you've clearly demonstrated you require it:
Demand the People do a Life-Time Confessional on paper !
This can be done simply on a legal pad with a pen, and your mind. That place where all your memories are stored. O F A L L Y O U D I D and didn't C O N F E S S !
A society trending heavily on addictions and lack of discipline will only find its way back through:
- Bombs dropping - not a good place to be - this is an heavy enforcement method and risky for your survival. It will wake you up though and get you to think things in a different way ! This is Necessity Level. Part of Natural Law. Instinct. You have this in you.
- Application of Ethics to get your life Straightened-out. Confessional is part of this tool Box. In fact it is THE most POWERFUL of all the tools. Your crazy actions in life, written down fully in paper, and handed to a counselor to read, can help reset your life, your ideas of life and your happiness. In a Hurry. Like happy Spiritual bombs dropping from your mind onto the paper. You can find yourself with out Mortar shells forcing you to run for the hills without your electronic devices, without food, without a plan. Just panic ! You can do a Confessional. Just calmly sit, think of something, and write it. Its better than bombs !
You can do a Confessional while also studying and - so you are taking the first steps to Responsibility to Know Your Enemy, the enemies tactics and the enemy of America. This will improve your Survival chances, won't it ?
#1 & #2
* * * Drugs and Sex are the Enemies #1 and #2 Tools. Every day until Sunday. * * *
* * * Drugs and Sex bring about Crime. And More Crime. Monday through Sunday. * * *
It is your job as a Citizen to get this Straightened-out. And Fast !
Relationship - Government to the Citizens / / Parents to their Children
There is a Relationship between the Government and its Citizens - and it goes BOTH ways.
A Microcosm of this would be a Family Unit. The Parents and their Children.
Imagine - if the Parents let the children have whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. It would be chaos.
Sugar cereals for breakfast and lunch, pizza for dinner. Up late watching television. How would it go ? It would devolve into chaos for all. The Parents and children both would be miserable. Until they put order back in. (The Parents primary duty is to keep the children safe, and then, having done that, get them educated, learning morals and values, how to do, succeed, fail, and ultimately be self-sufficient)
The Governments job isn't to give the People most of what they want. More and More Rights. More and more gifts. Yet - that is the trend, isn't it ?
(American Perspective - meanwhile - 2 Billion people don't have clean drinking water).
Why ? Because life is a balance. It is also a Game. You don't get everything you want, all the time. That's part of the Game. There is anticipation involved. Goals. Desires. Attainments. Planning. Work. Hard Work - to get there. But work can be fun. And very fulfilling !
If you did get all that you wanted - you would go insane ! Cocaine. Sex on Demand. Carbs until the Cows came home ! Wow would it be GOOOOOD !!
For a while . . . . . . . . . and then you'd come back to real life. To Earth.
You would slowly wake up, in a grass field somewhere, out of a hypnotized fog of sugar, drugs and sex . . . look up and see the blue sky and say - oh . . .damn !
* * * Remember - the heroin addict has to come back UP and OUT of his addiction. And that by all reports is some fun times !
Two Party Problem - Creating American Danger
- Bad men in Government Using Govt Position to make Destructive Policy
- Citizens - Allowing or even helping their Strategy.
Creating a Third Category of Citizens - with Part A, Part B, Part C, keeps going . . . . . . !
Influencers of Addiction and Societal Implosion via Sex and Drugs.
Helpers of the Bad Guys in America
Voters of the Bad Guys into Political
Allowers of the Bad Guys in American Power
Influences and Promotions - of "Our Cause" over all others = fixation = poor country
Most of these behaviors, promoters, Influencers have lost faith in the US Political system, lost faith in other human beings, even lost sight of what an America is or what America is supposed to be.
We are here to tell you - it is your JOB to Straighten yourself AND all other people out. To get them to Study and Know the Bad Guys - the Major Cause of all of America's and World problems. Then to Get those Citizens to Act - AS A TEAM OF AMERICANS on ONE STRATEGY !
This is quite different from what you are currently engaged in - which is running off in your own direction with your own ideas, promoting on your own cause - without the adult viewpoint of where you are - IN AMERICA, and what you use to survive so you can do your activities - The Food Network, the Water Network, The Heating Network, The Cooling Network Not to Mention the Safety Network of the Military and Law Enforcement
So yes - people have tough experiences of a variety of kinds. But tough experiences nonetheless. If we want to play the comparison game - "my life has been tougher than yours" "so I deserve to complain and not act". Well we can always find someone whose had it tougher than you. And then what ? Will you try to find another 'OUT'. Its a losing game you are playing. Being Separate from other Good Americans. Being Disassociated because noone is acting like an American Team, on a Strategy.
Its like the Tough Street Guy - gotta fight anyone who looks or flexes in his direction.
Eventually he's gonna get shot or a beat down because you just ain't gonna be all comers. Its a losing game. A losing mentality from a lost soul.
The winning game - Patriots Must Act Strategy - where all Americans act as a team on the Top Priority - the Bad Guys and the Top Priority - Safety Sectors, and then we move to the next Priority - we keep doing that as a team of 100 million Citizens, 8 hours per week. We are eventually going to get to your Personal Favorite - BLM, LG, Abortion and get that Straightened-out and constructive for the good of all - because there won't be Bad Guys with their magic smoke getting in your eyes.
We implore you to Look and Know the Bad Guys at
To get the Higher Purpose at and
To get Straightened-out at
Why ?
See the Enemy Strategy Below - carried out by our own Government - from all Levels..
They are here to demolish you, your families future and America.
And they are 60 years ahead of us in their execution and implementation of it.
We must act as a TEAM to stomp out this Enemy and its Strategy.
That will take Higher Purpose, Straightening out, Finding a the Correct Reason, getting educated on Govt, Policy and Bad Guys - and getting into ACTION !
The Enemy Strategy
An 'Add Addiction' Culture
Phones, Gambling, Marijuana, Open Border Fentanyl, Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex !
What has the Government done to Flood the Country with Sex, Drugs and Crime ?
Drugs Flooding The Country
Government - for decades has allowed Drug Gangs to own many big cities, creating a culture of Crime and Drugs - and addicting Millions on crack, heroin etc.
Government has recently opened the Border - allowing more Drugs, the most powerful on the planet, Fentanyl to be shipped in in tremendous amounts ! Addicting and killing thousands more.
Government Legalizing Marijuana state by state. The Government is part of taking the lead on this. The weed is much much stronger than in past decades. Does it make you smarter ? More literate ? More aware of others and life ?
See below on Less Resistance = more sex. The current state of Marijuana, is more available (same as less resistance) and thus more will use it. And its stronger.
Give the People what they want - and they'll do what with it ? Too many will far overuse it. While also Not Looking, Not Caring about the other guy, and performing Not Duty. A Losing mix. You are right in the Enemies pocket.
Crime Flooding the Country
Government - for decades has allowed - never handled - Hispanic and Black Drug Gangs to own many big cities, creating a culture of Crime and Drugs - and addicting Millions on crack, heroin etc. Drug Gangs are a Crime Culture. Must be removed.
Government has allowed recently - via open border - to have Foreign Nationals, Terrorists and other Criminals to come across the border - 1.8 Million Gottaways - in the last 3 1/2 years.
Government - has recently - via big $ donors led by George Soros, worked to get Half-Look Unlit Citizens to vote in soft on crime District Attorney's. Who release criminals with misdemeanors for under $1000. So you can do $998 of stealing each day !
Sex Flooding the Country
Sex is Addiction #1 - all time #1. Until Heroin came along.
You want to mess up a family. Tie up a company in chaos. Ensnarl a Society. Flood it with sex. People sleeping around. More immoral sex will follow. Crazy alterations follow that. Addiction follows . . .
The Purpose of Sex - Nature created it to be a beautiful reward for continuing the Human Race - having children. Think of 2000 years ago. People had sex. Maybe 20 times, then had a child. The group now has a small future. Then that couple has intercourse 50 times, before the next child. Now they have 2 children. The Group has a bigger future. That's - Natures - Purpose - of - Sex ! To Forward the Human Race ! So the Human Race Survives !
Violate Natural Law - and you lose. Try it with gravity. See how that goes. Try it by not eating or drinking for a week. See how that goes ! Promote a Violation of Nature to others - who get sex addicted, and millions lose. That's on you also! On your Conscious. Natural Law also has an ethics/morals balance to it. You commit misdeeds. You better make up for those misdeeds.
We didn't make the Rules ! They are Nature's Rules. Observable. Provable.
If you flip the bird to the rules. You will lose yourself (deep into a sexual abyss). If you influence others to flip the bird to the rules of nature - you will set thousands and millions on a course of sexual deviation and Nature Rules will "come a calling" - knock on your door - sooner or later.
Recent Trend of Sex - Increasing
Porn used to be in magazines. Now we have porn on the Internet. Lots of it !
So we had graduated to porn at home on the internet. But now porn is available on demands on phones where ever the citizens go.
That was up until recently:
Now the Flood is on !
In the form of a Dozen Alterations of the Purpose of sex - with 'reasonable reasons' (Enemy Tactic). Gifts in the form of Rights (No Talk of Duty. No mention of ethics or morality and how they work together with the actions people take in life) It is all Candy and Gifts - Rights Rights and more Rights.
All Rights yet No Duty and no Ethics - Result is Always - YOU LOSE ! Bad guys WIN !
Abortion is a form of allowing more sex by removing the anxiety about Pregnancy, hence, more sex, less safe sex = equals part of the Flood of Sex.
Reasons - are always used by the Enemy as tricks and gifts to hungry gullible citizens.
Government is promoting Abortion as a Top Priority - vs Safety Sectors of the Military being deteriorated and not War Ready, Refunding the Police and closing the Border.
Restrictions of Sex or Life in General - If you have less resistance or restrictions in any part of life, you will have more of a Flood. Of anything. Kids and Sugar cereal. They will go wild !
If you have less border restrictions, more people come across.
If you have less border restrictions, more drugs come across.
If you have less sex restrictions - in other words - less anxiety about sex, it is going to equal more sex. Why less anxiety about sex ? Because pregnancy has always been a major anxiety, hence protection, but when you are in the flow of it . . . now there is less need to put on protection.
So now, with abortion, some portion of this anxiety, 40% ? is going to drop off and citizens will just go have more sex. Less worry. Less anxiety. More Sex. No Ethics. No Moral boundaries and you lose yourself. Quickly - in that sex/ethics slide downhill.
If you get pregnant - you get an abortion. That is the message. It is covert. It is sly - but the RESULT IS MORE SEX. via Less Restrictions. Having an "Out" - and Abortion is an "out" - is less restrictions.
Are we saying no abortions at all ? No - rape, incest - the obvious list absolutely should be allowed. Past that - is an open question.
Our Primary Job is to Identify the Enemy's Strategy and deliver it to you and get you to Look and Know your Enemy. YOUR enemies Strategy. And that includes USING you to carry it out. And more Sex and more drugs, more rights yet no duty, and no ethics is HOW THEY WILL and YOU WILL LOSE !
So, Abortion is an Enemy Strategic target to get your support for your reasons or buttons or desires, and then they trap you.
LG - is much more sex promoted. In many alternate forms. To many young groups.
This is direct education to fixate young minds on Humans #1 Addiction - Sex !
It has been put up as a Priority for the Country - Racism, Abortion, LG Rights - instead of the Priority being a Strong Military, Strong Law Enforcement, Border Closed to shut off a big part of the fatal overdose epidemic.
Yes people have their feelings on sex, orientation etc. That is ONE part of subject. Keep to yourself - and that's reasonable.
Another subject is Promoting it - Heavily. To other Humans. That is a whole other sphere where INFLUENCING others is occurring - and that is by definition a flood, and also highly immoral as you are influencing others to enter into the subject of Sex - #1 Human Addiction zone - in many alternative forms.
Catalyst for the heavy promotion of LG ? Started after Matthew Shepard was beaten and killed in Colorado. So LG gets America's sympathies via the media, the agreement that being up gays is not right, and it isn't. But LG USED this to then push for Gay Marriage and beyond. That is a sinister plan. Because Sex is highly addictive and it is the most mind-bending of all the human areas of life. So the LG leaders lit a sex fuse after Colorado, and then laid out a million more fuses and lit those, and now it is a Flood of Sex promotion.
The Stats - See the Statistical Comparison of Police Shootings vs US Drug Overdoses - the numbers are astronomically on the side of Drug Overdoses and Border being closed as the Top Priority - yet that's NOT what the Government has done. They have been actively engaged in the opposite. A 180. Opposite World tactics.
More Stats - See the Statistical Comparison of School Shootings vs US Drug Overdoses - the numbers are astronomically on the side of Drug Overdoses and the Border being closed being the Top Priority - yet that's NOT what the Government has done. They have been actively engaged in the opposite. A 180. Opposite World tactics.
Same with heavy promotion of LG Sex - which started with abuse of Gays. We are not going to do a Statistical Comparison. The numbers differentiational will be Astronomically wide - AGAIN. LG abuse isn't a priority based on numbers of historical abuse. Any Violence against Blacks, Women, Gays is abhorrent - however the enemy USES each instance to push forward an agenda to trick Americans into helping their Enemy Strategy. And you do so so willingly. So Ignorantly. So Selfishly ! Others work with that enemy to push the agenda. And the citizens help with the votes ! Ignorance of the Bad Guy = Helping the Bad Guy and killing many more in all the 50 US Sectors. How many gays have been killed each year ? How much abuse ? vs 50,000 US Drug overdoses and rising ? Those would be stats. Do you care about the others being killed ? In other Sectors besides LG ? If so - what have you done about it ? How have you voted ?
We bet you voted against helping solve 50,000 Drug overdoses - and for your singular cause because its all about you. Remember that when you go to the Grocery Store. That store clerks brother overdosed on Fentanyl. And you sneer at him. And take your food and go home !
If your LG Leadership promotes and you support - that any abuse to Gays is bad- and it is - but the numbers are very low - yet you do nothing about the Fentanyl disaster created by the Opening of the Southern Border - 70,000 drug fatal overdoses (all drugs) - then what does that say about you ? Do 70,000 others killed and their 200,000 family members matter at all ? Please consider reviewing your idea about others . . .
To reset - The LG Organization leadership USED catalysts to push for Gay Marriage and beyond. That is a sinister plan.
Why? Because Sex is highly addictive and it is the most mind-bending of all the human areas of life. So the LG leaders lit a sex fuse after Colorado, and then laid out a million more fuses and lit those, and now it is a Flood of Sex promotion.
Promoting this sex influence in Public schools is Enemy Action.
Promoting this sex influence in Elementary schools is High Enemy Action.
Government and the Military - instead of prioritizing - Top Priority - Close the Border - for the above reasons and rebuild the Military (NOW ! )- it has chosen "other priorities" - such as DEI for the Military, which has sex included in it - Gays in the Military. This is not a Military Priority. The Priority is Defense of the country. FIrst, Second, Third - until 100. That is the ONLY priority. This is High Enemy Action.
Olive Branch - to - Abortions supporters, LG supporters
Before you get to upset at our (survival-statistical) stance - consider these questions:
Who are you ? Do you know ?
Do you know the definition and function of your mind ? Definition of Mental ?
How about your unconscious mind ?
Do you know what an unconscious mind does to a human ? Past Trauma ?
Do you know why Humans get addicted to sex and drugs in such devastating numbers ?
Do you know how sex and drugs can control an individuals life. Much less millions ?
Does Natural Law exist ? Gravity. Body must eat, sleep, have water ?
How about Human (Spiritual) Natural Law ? Can you do anything you want to others (Allow-Influence-Harm Directly) and 'get away with it' ?
Doing something harmful vs Allowing something harmful to occur vs
vs Promoting something harmfully addictive (Tobacco, Sex, Heroin)
And how many you harmed or addicted ? Should these factors be considered ?
Do you know the Bad Guys ?
Do you know their Tactics ?
Will they use any and all tools to trap you ? Including gifts, and smiles and reasons ?
Or are they as obvious as a sunny day ?
Is it absurd that we would demand you think outside of yourself and get educated on the Bad Guys and their tactics ? And educated on the country's Top 10 Priorities - before you vote ?
Wouldn't it be better to understand your own mind. Your own self and the Enemy, the Bad Guys tactics and characteristics before you start heavily promoting sex (#1 Human Addiction).
Should you be a tad suspicious of a Government that Floods the Country with not only Highly Addictive Sex, but also Drugs and Crime ? And has your support to do so ? Smells sort of like a conspiracy - with tricks, curveballs and variables - to weigh out.
Are you up to the task learning something new ?
Of Looking at the full picture, studying and comparing from all angles - before you "opine" or "conclude" or 'fixate' - and then vote on those limitations? Be careful. Think it through. For a vote is energy flowed - to the Enemy or to the Good Guys. We hope you pick the right Group.
Give the People What they Want = Give the People more Rights (But zero Duty)
And they will do what with it ? ?
Too many will use and abuse those rights - overindulge in sex tangents, over-smoke pot, be a street corner heroin addict - yet still demand more rights.
This is Opposite World.
The Truth Lies in the Citizens 180. A major pivot to Duty. 'Stick a pin' in any more Rights until you have proven you can perform Duty for the Country, the Constitution and the other guy. Including 2 billion in the world with out clean drinking water. Seems a reasonable ask doesn't it ?
Try this Drill
See where you are, as an individual - in relationship to the existence and safety of 320 Million other Americans.
Pick the Priority Sector for America -Which you will Vote On - Which will be your future !
Take your choice - if you had one choice.
Abortion - or a Strong Police Force ? Think about it. Who will you call when the 'S' goes down ? Women and Children are the most vulnerable. You gonna yet take another Right over Safety ? Will go down as you dumbest decision in history.
LG Rights - or a Strong and Ready Military ? Think about it . . . Iran, Russia, China ?
What is the current status of our Military - bet you don't know ! Go to or and watch Political Sector Special - "Broken American, Fall of the Military".
Marijuana Legalized - or The Southern Border Closed ? hmmm ? Stoned or Safety ?
These are the types of questions which "weed" out the truly selfish and lost citizens and those who can come around with some logic & apply discipline & tools to get straight.
If it is all about your needs - or your experiences (what upsets you) - then the Enemy ALREADY OWNS YOU ! You just haven't figured that out yet.
You can - and - as part of the Citizens 180.
Enemy Strategy
FALSE PRIORITIES - Racism, Abortion, LG Rights. This is Enemy Gifts and Misdirect tactics. Fooling the Half-Looking Selfish citizens - who take the bait. This is the children running the household - Sugar Cereal being the sex, the sex alterations, the rights, the buttons on racism. It is fixation. And the Enemy relies you the citizen being upset, wronged and thus fixated - instead of Looking to the Future for all and Working to Identify and eradicate such an enemy. In other words they want you small and selfish. Choose your Group !
False Priorities lead to less or no Survival. And heavy guilt if your actions kill others.
False Priorities tend to be Individually designed. Helps you, but degrades the Society.
Survival - is brought about through the True Group Top Priorities.
TRUE PRIORITIES - SAFETY FIRST - Close the Border, Refund Police. Strengthen the Military. Focus the Military on only ONE job - (Drill, Prep, Ready for War and to Defend). Remove the Drug and Crime Gangs. When those Priorities are well on the way, include the Economy and Education as next layer of Top Priorities Sectors.
Summary: Bad Guy Strategy
Remember: Bad Guys use "reasons' given, "reasonable' reasons given, to get the Half-Looking or Selfish Citizens to buy into MORE SEX, MORE DRUGS, MORE CRIME, OPEN BORDER, DEFUNDED POLICE - and all Lead to a Flooding of the Country with Sex, Drugs and Crime.
They are sneaky - and you are stupid or selfish.
If you continue on this path - you are working for the enemy and are a Citizens Liability.
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
Up there . . . . . . . . Up Above
That's the Enemy Strategy - Are you Working for Them ?
- Are you going to Continue to Work for The Enemy ?
* * * * * * ADD THIS - Choose Your Group - Bad Guys or Good Guys * * * * * *
- Get Straight
Table of Contents VI
Citizens Allow Chaos - Citizens Become Chaos
Citizens - Do you have Discipline ? Self Awareness ? Bravery ?
Voters Lack Discipline, Balance - Perspective
Earn Back your Stripes - Voters, Citizens
Parents, Government, Citizens - How it Should be Done
Governments Purpose and Your 'Pursuit'
The Priority Game Now however is DUTY. Defend America !
Citizens Allow Chaos - Citizens Become Chaos
Citizens, lack discipline, are Unlit (Bad Guy and US Policy) yet still vote and think they have performed their Duty. Far from it.
First off - Unlit citizens historically vote in the Enemy, who creates more chaos.
Then when asked to step up to really perform Duty, use excuses, reasons and outs so they can stay spectators. Then just go back into more of same: their personal spaces, lives and importances.
Some sinking into Electronic addiction - ipod ear buds plugged in while walking the dog. Disassociated from the world around them.
Others smoking pot that is now much more powerful and more available. The Government will take of us . . .
The cowards, the spectators, the sex tangents and influences the addicts and the dopers 'Become Chaos' themselves.
Some continue to Vote as an Unit and thus continue to Allow the thrashing of the lives of other citizens - way . . . over . . . there. - Distance is a hypnotic.
A Vote for Communism is a vote to take the freedoms of other People away.
A Vote for Capitalism & Free Market is a vote for you to put in your own hard work.
If you vote for Communism - its likely because you are frustrated with corruption. Which is valid. But you have never had a Patriot Strategy to apply to fix the scene. Now you do.
A Vote for Capitalism allows others to pull themselves up.
A Vote for Communism is trapping them further.
So when you vote - it isn't just about you !
Be Bad Guy Literate. Be Policy Literate. Act on the Patriot Strategy to handle this Dangerous Situation and reset America and Capitalism and Citizenry to a level they were meant to be - by Natural Law.
A Balance of Duty and Rights. Of Freedom and Pursuits. Of Responsibility, work, and fun.
We Know you can do it ! You gotta prove it however !
Citizens - Do you have Discipline ? Self Awareness ? Bravery ?
Phone Addiction. Disassociation to the world around you.
Image. Entertainment and Distractions.
Marijuana use rising.
Influencing others on sex. Scamming your brother out of his $, for your benefit !
Ignoring the other guy - then go grocery shopping and get stuff from him ? !
Drive home on the roads 'he' built, in the car 'she' built. Use the A/C and Heating in Summer and Winter to stay alive - which the other guy built and maintains.
"Care" so deeply for others - but really do nothing about anything. Nothing solved . . .
Feed the Homeless on Thanksgiving - but abandon him on the other 364 days ! And you feel good about what you did ? ! !
Allow the Enemy to Infiltrate, AND set up shop as experts and leaders.
Vote in the Enemy politicians because you are Bad Guy Unlit -
Give them the playing field of America !
USA the Country in which you have lived and enjoyed safety and freedom for all these decades !
Country under attack from 50 directions - yet you use excuses and reasons why you can't Act ! ?
This is defending your desire to hide instead of Supporting and Defending the Country !
Who are you people ? You better figure it out quickly !
Voters Lack Discipline, Balance - Perspective
The Modern American Citizens - lack Discipline and Balance among many others.
Our Modern culture with all its bells and whistles, busy tech and more tech being created, has become a blizzard of electronic addiction and zombie stimulation.
Corporations are also involved - they make shiny stuff. Wave it in front of the eyes of the Citizens - who go gaga !
Reasons are given why Marijuana must be legalized. Some valid. Most invalid. And the Half-Look selfish non-Forward thinking Citizens attain another toy - Pot-on Demand.
Now its Abortion on Demand - which becomes sex on demand. No condom necessary !
24 X 7 x 365 Electronic addiction.
Pot on Demand
Abortion on Demand
Sex like Baskin Robbins ice cream. 31 flavors !
You are by your own lack of Social Responsibility and Disassociation - just in it for yourself. Your Image. Entertainment and Distractions. Much like the Fable of the 3 Little Pigs. There is no Big Bad Wolf. Just Dance and play your flute and laugh at the hard working pig building the Top Priority Brick House !
You do rely for your very survival on Trusting the Government to act on the Top Priorities. Safety First.
- Military Police Border
- Water Network Safe Heating Network Protected Cooling Network Watched over.
Yet this is not how you have been voting.
You have been voting Politicians and Parties into power based on your own Policy and Top Priority Unlit. Voting in Politicians who dress the nicest and say what you want to hear. Voting in Politicians who give you gifts for your vote.
Politicians who continue to Act on the False Priorities - which endanger your very safe. Which you will realize soon enough. And have no plan.
But, since it is really all about you, just raid the stores when the bombs drop and lock your door to protect yourself. That's is a good Strategy !
Earn Back your Stripes - Voters, Citizens
They had to be torn off because you have lost your way. Demoted in Rank. Dishonored America and the World by slacking off. And, when approached about setting it all straight, spewing excuses and outs, bristling at any suggestion that you the almighty citizen are NOT wrong, ARE literate, and have all Rights and No Duty to perform. I Volunteer ! Or you just simply walk-away - the ultimate self defense.
The American and Western Citizens must earn their reputation back as Citizens who have and can demonstrate Discipline, thinking of others, acting to help others - by performing their Duty to Look, Duty of a Voter, Duty to Act on a Strategy and Duty to Continue.
Top Priority - All Safety Sectors fortified x 2 (Military, Police, Border)
Top Priority - The Bad Guys - in Govt, Media, Corporations etc
Vehicle to do this - Patriots Must Act Strategy
Who carries this out ? - You - the American citizen
When ? - NOW - and every week forward.
Parents, Government, Citizens - How it Should be Done
Parents set schedules, guidelines create meal plans, rewards, make sure homework is done, then go have some fun ! A balance. Some discipline. Learning. And fun.
A Government's relationship with it Citizens whom it's Duty is to Protect starts with the Top Priority of keeping the Citizenry safe. Honor, Doing the Right Thing. Priorities. Watch-Eagle. Whistleblowing. Holding yourself and others accountable for the good of all.
The Citizens relationship with the Government and the Country also has Balance. Discipline. Work. Ethics. Judgement. Selflessness. Forward Thinking. Future Planning for the good of all. And some vacation time after you've performed all your Duties - To Look. Vote. Act. Continue. Complete the Job - Removal of the Enemy from our Country !
You've got a lot to do to earn that next Vacation !
Governments Purpose and Your 'Pursuit'
The Government's purpose is to Protect, to keep the Citizenry Safe. That is it's Primary Purpose for being. If Government Duty were being performed (the Right Thing, For the Right Reasons) - you would be kept safe, warm or cool, well fed, have clean water and have the freedom of Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (THE GAME . . . : )
This is quite different from the Freedom to HAVE MORE and MORE ! INDULGE ! ! !
Freedom is the starting point (Mike Slater - First TV "How to Survive a Broken World") (Norm Chomsky)
From there - you pursue your dreams, goals, career, the man or woman of your dreams to create the family of your dreams. And Live Americana !
The Priority Game Now however is DUTY. Defend America !
The Prior Game to that is - Straighten yourself-out (but be quick - 1 week)
Meanwhile-you study at Citizens Must Look- the Duty to Look (5 hrs p/week until you see)
Then - get into Action Defending America !